
  • Gas pump

    Well, never let it be said that this site's readers don't practice what they preach. We asked our Twitter followers when they thought they would buy their very last gallon of gasoline ever. Remarkably, one third of them (35 percent) said they had already done so. DON'T MISS: What will you be driving 10 years from now? Poll results That means they and the members of their household are driving solely zero-emission vehicles, with the vast majority of those being battery-electric cars. We presume, incidentally, that they're not using some kind of dodge like saying that they'll never buy another...

  • Tesla Model S Autopilot engaged during cross-country record attempt
    When will you buy your first fully autonomous car? Poll results

    While electric cars received a disproportionate amount of media attention over the last five years, the focus is now turning. At the recent Consumer Electronics Show and Detroit Auto Show earlier this month, cynical journalists were moved to propose a drinking game. Participants would have to take...

  • 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV
    What will you be driving 10 years from now? Poll results

    With news stories literally every day about autonomous vehicle tests, and the growing number of plug-in electric vehicles on sale, the future is ... well, up in the air. Readers of this site tend to be more future-oriented than many car buyers, so we polled our Twitter followers about their views...

  • 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV
    What will be your next green-car purchase? Poll results

    Well, that was decisive! Our readers are clearly, unquestionably, absolutely intending to switch from driving on fossil fuels to driving on grid electricity. That's the only conclusion we can draw from the results of our most recent Twitter poll, this one on what respondents planned to buy for...

  • The White House, Washington, D.C.  [Creative Commons license by dcjohn]
    What effect will Trump presidency have on electric cars? Poll results

    It may reflect unshakable confidence in the future prospects of electric cars. Or perhaps it's a lack of conviction that the incoming Trump Administration can have enough effect on incentives, emission regulations, and gas-mileage rules to make a difference. Either way, the respondents to our most...

  • 2015 Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell, 2016 Toyota Mirai at hydrogen fueling station, Fountain Valley, CA
    Which green-car technology will matter least in 2025? Poll results

    There's no single silver bullet that will reduce the energy consumption and emissions from the 80 million new road vehicles sold globally each year. Instead, thousands of individual efforts to improve the efficiency of powertrains, reduce vehicle weight, cut wind resistance, and all the rest come...

  • 2017 Toyota Prius Prime test drive, Ojai, California, Sep 2016

    Last week, we wrote about the results of a Twitter poll we put up to get a feel for what our readers like best about the site. The flipside of "most valuable" is "least valuable," so we put up the same list of choices again, this time asking survey respondents to rank their least favorite types of articles. Surprisingly, however, the results weren't a mirror image of the first poll. DON'T MISS: Which Green Car Reports articles are most valuable? Poll results As we suspected, the most popular choice among survey respondents for their least favorite types of articles were the ones dealing with...

  • Chevrolet's Steve Majoros (R) accepts Green Car Reports 2017 Best Car To Buy award for Chevy Bolt EV
    Which Green Car Reports articles are most valuable? Poll results

    We've now been running a series of Twitter polls for several weeks, and last week we decided to use one poll for a different purpose. We wanted to survey our audience, which we haven't done in any large-scale or systematic way. A Twitter poll isn't particularly scientific, but like reading the...

  • 2012 Tesla Model S Signature
    Which electric car will history view as most important? Poll results

    It wasn't even close. When we asked our Twitter followers which electric car they thought would be judged by history as most important thus far, it was a slam-dunk. Fully four out of five survey participants voted for the same vehicle out of the four choices we offered. DON'T MISS: Tesla Model S...

  • 2016 Tesla Model X
    What will Tesla Motors be in 2025? Poll results

    Ah, Tesla Motors, source of hope, dreams, visions, contempt, dismissal, hilarity, frustration, and so much more. The Silicon Valley startup automaker, now in its ninth year of making electric cars, has built close to 150,000 expensive battery-powered luxury vehicles and defied critics numerous...

  • 2016 Tesla Model X
    Should Tesla report monthly sales like other carmakers? Poll results

    To those of us who cover the world of electric cars, Tesla's refusal to release its sales data in the conventional format is a continual irritant. Starting in June 2012, when the company said it didn't plan to release monthly sales because its backers didn't care, Tesla Motors has provided only...

  • 2012 Toyota Prius Plug-In Hybrid - production model
    Which plug-in electric car will sell best next year? Poll results

    Sales of plug-in electric cars were essentially flat in the U.S. last year compared to 2014, and this year isn't necessarily going to be much better. Part of that is due to product cadence: the Nissan Leaf and Tesla Model S, two of the top-selling cars in previous years, are now relatively old...

  • Tesla Model 3 design prototype  -  reveal event  -  March 2016

    Three long-range electric cars at affordable prices will move the industry forward over the next year or two. The Chevy Bolt EV is within several weeks of arriving at the first dealers that will carry it, and a second-generation Nissan Leaf should go into production by the end of next year. That leaves the Tesla Model 3, unveiled this past spring, and its big question mark: when will it really go into volume production? DON'T MISS: When will first Tesla Model 3 electric cars will be delivered? Poll results In an earlier poll, slightly more survey respondents (38 percent) expect the Model 3 to...

  • BYD e6 electric taxi in service in Shenzhen, China
    Which country or region will make the most electric cars in 2025? Poll results

    Plug-in electric cars are going to be a bigger part of the vehicle mix in future than they have been to date. That much is abundantly clear. Electric cars are one of four significant forces that will likely change what we think of as an "automobile" forever, the others being autonomy, connectivity...

  • 2017 Toyota Prius Prime Premium
    How many Toyota Prius Primes will be sold in its first 12 months? Poll results

    Next year should be an interesting one for sales of plug-in electric cars, with the 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV rolling out to selected dealers in all 50 states, Chevy says. The 2017 BMW i3 gets 50 percent more range, and the Ford Focus Electric and Volkswagen e-Golf are expected to get range upgrades...

  • Jen Smith with her new 2016 Toyota Prius Four
    When will plug-in electric car sales exceed hybrid sales? Poll results

    The questions of whether and when sales of plug-in electric cars will resume their climb after a static 2015 are much on the minds of green-car advocates these days. It's taken as an article of faith that cars with plugs will grow as a proportion of the global market, ultimately supplanting large...

  • 2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV, road test, California coastline, Sep 2016
    How many Chevy Bolt EVs will be sold in the U.S. in its first 12 months? Poll results

    The largest number of one single battery-electric car sold in the U.S. in a single year is 30,000, the total logged in 2014 by the Nissan Leaf. (Of course, we don't know Tesla's sales because the company doesn't break out its quarterly global delivery totals by country.) But those were back in the...

  • 2015 Nissan Leaf
    When will electric car sales exceed those of cars with engines? Poll results

    Cars that plug in to recharge, whether all-electric or plug-in hybrid, are a very small proportion of total U.S. vehicle sales today. And the same applies to their global sales, which are less than 1 percent of a total worldwide volume now headed toward 90 million vehicles a year. So today, the...

  • Tesla Model 3

    The Tesla Model 3, a mass-priced electric car that's not yet on sale, has had a huge impact on the auto industry. The fact that Silicon Valley carmaker Tesla Motors could get more than 350,000 people to put down $1,000 each for a vehicle they wouldn't receive for 18 months or more was astounding enough. But Tesla CEO Elon Musk's goal of boosting his company's production by a factor of 10 in just three years—from 50,000 last year to 500,000 in 2018—was seen by much of the industry as delusional. DON'T MISS: What is the maximum electric-car price for mass-market success? Poll...

  • 2016 Nissan Leaf SL, Hudson Valley, NY, Dec 2015
    What is the maximum electric-car price for mass-market success? Poll results

    A few weeks ago, we asked our Twitter followers how low electric-car prices would have to go for them to succeed in the market. The answers were revealing, because the sweet spot seemed to be around $25,000, the price chosen by half the respondents. Another quarter of the survey participants chose...

  • 2016 Nissan Leaf
    How low do prices for 200-mile electric cars have to go for success? Poll results

    One of the challenges of making and selling electric cars is that their batteries are still expensive. And despite some makers' absorbing losses on the earliest cars, that means they sell for prices higher than those of similarly sized vehicles with combustion engines. Sure, owners will save money...

  • 2016 Nissan Leaf
    What's the minimum electric-car range for mass acceptance? Poll results

    The handful of mass-priced electric cars offered 200 miles or more of range scheduled to launch over the next two years will clearly bring one question to the forefront. How much rated electric range is "enough" in a mass-market car to make North American buyers consider it sufficient for safe and...

  • BMW i3 and Volkswagen e-Golf electric cars using Combined Charging System (CCS) DC fast charging
    When will electric-car DC fast-charging be available everywhere in the U.S.? Poll results

    Energy infrastructure is key to any serious effort to make zero-emission vehicles practical for mass-market car buyers. The world has spent more than a century building an efficient, global distribution and delivery system for gasoline and diesel fuel, and any new energy source requires the same...

  • 2015 Hyundai Tucson Fuel Cell, 2016 Toyota Mirai at hydrogen fueling station, Fountain Valley, CA
    When will hydrogen fuel be available everywhere in the U.S.? Poll results

    While you might think that any zero-emission vehicle would be viewed as a good thing, hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles continue to generate opposition among some electric-car fans. Perhaps viewing them as competition for long-range battery electric vehicles of the sort now planned by virtually every...

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