Facebook Connect comment box

Facebook Connect comment box

Here in the bustling international nerve center of GreenCarReports, hundreds of the world's best coders strive constantly to offer the best and most interactive of green car sites.

Well, OK, maybe not hundreds. But the few that we do have are proud to launch a new feature you'll see right above you at the top of every page: Facebook Connect.

For those of you who are Facebook members--who now number more than 200 million globally--you can log into your account using the blue "Connect" button. Once you do, you'll see your Facebook login photo and name appear in the gray bar.

What's the benefit? Well, every time you comment, it'll share your comments with your friends. This'll let them know your thoughts, pro or con, about our coverage. It may even let them discover GreenCarReports as well and join in the ongoing discussion.

And we urge you to comment early and often. That's how we know what you, dear readers, like or don't like about the topics we cover.

As the full press release from High Gear Media, our parent company, says:

Please note, that you will have complete control of if and when we publish comments made on our sites to your Facebook profile — we ask you twice on a per comment basis to make sure before we share any information with your Facebook friends, so feel free to comment away knowing we’ll only share exactly what you want us to.

(One caveat to be aware of: You'll find that signing out of Facebook Connect on our site also signs you out of any other Facebook windows you may have open. We're not wild about that, but it's how their utility is built.)

So we urge you: Give it a try! Log in, share your comments, and kick off a discussion. You'll be glad you did--and so will we.

Facebook Connect publish box

Facebook Connect publish box