Recently we reported that the world's largest car sharing service Zipcar has added several hybrids and an EV to their fleet of available vehicles in London.  They have also added a charging station at the London location.   Despite the addition of these advanced technology vehicles, Zipcar regretfully reports that they are years away from offering a widespread selection of EVs.

The CEO of Zipcar announced that a wide selection of EVs from the company is a long ways away.  Though Zipcar does admit that they are committed to zero emission vehicles, they will wait to see the maintenance costs and battery reliability before adding more EVs to their fleet.  Additionally, the EVs must make sense to the company's bottom line before they put several of these vehicles into service.

Zipcar's Scott Griffith told Earth2Tech that, "Zipcar will go electric as soon as possible, I believe it will take longer than many imagine for electric vehicles to become part of the automotive mainstream."

Though many companies have taken the initiative and have produced or put EVs into use, there are still doubters that believe EVs will not make it.  We strongly believe that as more companies show their willing support for this type of vehicle, all of the rest of the pieces will fall into place.
