
  • 2011 Toyota Prius with PLUS Performance Package

    Pretty much every Toyota Prius hybrid you see on the streets looks the same. Wild customization is generally limited to personalized plates that promote the driver's green credentials, solar panels, eco-living, or general hybrid luv-luv-LUV. That's about to change. Toyota announced today it will offer something called the "Prius PLUS Performance Package," made up of "cool and fun accessories" that upgrade the ur-hybrid with "sporty looks" and "performance handling," courtesy of the Toyota Racing Department (TRD). What does it mean? Well, when the first item listed on the press release is...

  • Aptera 2e during Automotive X-Prize handling tests, from Consumer Reports video on YouTube
    Aptera Grits Its Teeth, Glosses Over Auto X-Prize 2e Handling Issue

    Optimism is a useful thing for a startup company, maybe even a requirement. But the April newsletter from Aptera Motors, which is struggling to launch its ultra-aerodynamic three-wheeled electric vehicle in the face of delays and funding constraints, smooths over some crucial handling issues with...

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