
  • Green Car Reports headlines daily e-mail

    Want to follow the latest news and information on green cars of all varieties, from high-mileage to hybrid, clean diesel to fully electric vehicles? Now we're launching a brand-new, redesigned daily e-mail update. If you'd like to have all our headlines delivered to your Inbox in one nice, tidy e-mail per day, this one's for you. It's one of several ways we're making it easier for you to follow Green Car Reports however you prefer. Just two weeks ago, we told you about our new Facebook page. We've also improved our RSS feeds, to get you the headlines you want even faster. We call Green Car...

  • image from hybrid-car spam
    Are Carmaker Sites Using Hybrids (Ineptly) As Spam Bait?

    We get a lot of spam. Everyone gets a lot of spam. In fact, Symantec says nine of every 10 e-mail messages are spam. But we're scratching our head over a recent spam that uses the topic of hybrid cars, particularly clumsily, to link (via Dubai, no less) to real carmakers' hybrid, diesel, and...

News First Drives Electric Cars Hybrids Guides Green Life