self-driving cars

  • 'Dial-A-Car' MadeInGermany Self-Driving Taxi (via

    Here in the States the self driving Google cars driving around San Francisco made most news outlets, including right here at (more here). Heck, I even heard about the self-driving cars on the morning radio show I frequent. While we contemplate the legalities of a car driving its self on U.S. roads, the Berlin Free University have come up with an innovative solution using similar technology that will allow for people to call an autonomous car using a smartphone or iPad like device. The “Dial-A-Car” system will let you call, tack and direct the car from where ever...

  • 2010 GM EN-V Concept
    GM's Future City-Car Vision: Autonomous, Electric, Two-Wheeler

    What does personal transportation look like in a new century, when more than 60 percent of the world's citizens live in cities and the number of vehicles on the globe could rise to 2 billion? Would future urbanites accept the idea of moving around in pod-shaped electric two-seaters with only two...

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