
  • 2012 Mitsubishi i

    It’s no secret that some parts of the U.S are more electric-car friendly than others, but what makes a certain town a better place to own an electric car than others? According to the Electric Drive Transportation Association (EDTA), four places across the U.S. are much more electric car friendly than the rest of the nation. Each, it claims, have encouraged electric car ownership with a combination of generous incentives and positive legislation. Here’s more about each of EDTA's nominated electric car city in turn, along with tips for cities that want to encourage more electric...

  • poster from Audi Urban Future conference, Frankfurt, September 2011
    Audi Urban Future Initiative: Smaller, Smarter, Autonomous, Linked Cars

    Put a group of urban planners, architects, and sociologists on a panel to discuss transportation in the cities of the future, and you may find they don’t spend much time talking about cars. Instead, you get statements like, “The megacity of the future desires to be a generous knowledge...

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