Hybrid parking spot, by Flickr user rscottjones

Hybrid parking spot, by Flickr user rscottjones

Once more, it's the end of the month, when we celebrate by recapping our most popular posts. For July, we completely turned over our most popular posts from June ... and, our VW diesel fanboys have returned!

This month, the most popular posts seem to have been the quirkiest. They're actually kinda random:

# 1: Prius Perks in Peril From Plug-In Privileges? We didn't see this one coming, that's for sure. This has become our most popular article ever on GreenCarReports.com. We viewed it as a quick thought piece, but about 70 bazillion Diggers took it to # 1 while railing against the (perceived) idiocy of so-called Prius perks, hybrids, and all the people who drive them. Bottom Line: Some of the special benefits bestowed on the most fuel-efficient hybrids may soon transfer to fully electric cars.

# 2: Can Urine Rescue Hydrogen-Powered Cars? Then there's this one, the first time we recall putting the word "urine" in a headline. Our take on an obscure research paper, this one climbed Digg too. Memo to Staff: Write more about bodily functions! Bottom Line: It takes a lot less energy to split hydrogen out from urea than it does from water and natural gas, meaning its wells-to-wheels energy balance could improve substantially.

# 3: Will the 2010 Volkswagen Golf TDI Be Diesel's Biggest Winner? Hurray, the VW diesel gang is back. We believe this is an important article, actually, and we've quoted it a lot in newer coverage. Readers agree, apparently. Bottom Line: We think Audi, BMW, and other makes that haven't previously offered diesels in the US will have a tough time, but Volkswagen will benefit from both low prices and its loyal cadre of existing diesel owners who already know the cars' benefits.

# 4: The New 2010 Rabbit TDI Diesel...Or, Is It a Golf Again? This post, which moves on and off our top five, tags right onto the previous item. Bottom Line: Never mind the (now outdated) PR waffling from VW spokeman Steve Keyes, we nailed it the first time. Yes, the 2010 Volkswagen Golf won't be a Rabbit after all.

# 5: Electric Car Startup Coda Gets More Cash, Plus Hank Paulson As Advisor. Another brand-new one, this is our analysis of recent announcements from the company planning to beat Tesla and others to market with a $45K electric sedan made in China. We were one of very few journalists to get a ride in the 2011 Coda Sedan. Bottom Line: Coda has raised another $24 million, added some very connected board members (including former US Treasury Secretary Henry "Hank" Paulson), and appears deadly serious about launching its car next year. It's not all about Tesla any more.

2011 Coda Sedan prototype - side

2011 Coda Sedan prototype - side