Working at Tesla Motors must be a lot of fun for many reasons. There's the chance of driving a lightning-fast 2011 Tesla Roadster Sport 2.5, for one.

Then there's the chance that you'll be privy to hearing your CEO say something untrue. Or just wacky.

Our latest example: On the sidelines of Tesla's ceremonial opening of its Fremont, California, assembly plant, Elon Musk tells GreenTechMedia why he considers plug-in hybrids to be essentially like amphibians.

frog test

frog test

We don't happen to agree with his preimse; we think battery electric vehicles (which is all that Tesla makes) are likely to coexist with plug-in hybrids and range-extended electric cars for decades to come. Along with hundreds of millions of gasoline and diesel vehicles.

But watch CEO Musk in his explanation ... and then tell us what you think. Is he right?

Will plug-in hybrids fade away, as a large number of amphibian species have done over the aeons?

Leave us your thoughts in the Comments below.